Monday, March 06, 2006

Time Waster

I'm starting this blog because my friends (you know who you are) have blogs of their own and suggested I give it a try, because I'm in search of things to do in order to waste some time and not go completely insane in the small town of Olds. After some thought, I agree with the idea and I'm going to try it out.

First, I feel I need to warn anyone who wants to read this that the main purpose of this blog is to waste time. I have a lot of time on my hands right now and I am very good at ceaseless ramblings. So ye' be warned. If you don't have time to read my ramblings don't because they can be pretty useless. For instance, today I was cooking supper, a delicious supper if I do say so myself when I smoked my head on the open microwave door. Now your either asking yourself how does one achieve such a stupid feat or your saying who cares. You may even be laughing at the fact that someone would actually do that and that's okay to, I would laugh to if it wasn't me smoking my head on the microwave. For those who are interested in knowing how such a feat is accomplished, you need a microwave at head height, which I convienently have because it sits on top of the fridge, then you need to leave the door open and really who does that. Then with your mind clearly somewhere else all there's left to do is walk right into without knowing its there. It's pretty simple really but the end result is it hurts and a headache soon follows. So instead of trying it yourself I just suggest you take my word for it. So you see I just rambled on for a long paragraph about running into the door on the microwave. I consider it a talent, I'll admit not a great talent and one that's not always appreciated but it's a talent none the less and I'll take what I can get. So my advice for the day, watch out for microwave doors popping out from nowhere.


At 9:24 PM, Blogger Jana said...

Nicely done....


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