Well I figured since I will soon not have access to my computer for a couple of weeks I better post my Halloween story now or it will probably never get done. I am a very good procrastinator, which is evident by the fact that I should really be studying right now instead of updating this but this is much more fun. Anyway, back to the point …
At Halloween a friend of mine from school was going to our Halloween party as a tree and I still didn’t have a good costume idea as I am pretty uncreative and she came up with an idea that I just had to do. For those of you who know me well and know me as Cheeks will understand why I just had to go with her suggestion as it was a perfect opportunity for more ass shot pictures. I went as a bottle butt!! Now this may require a bit of explaining as it is a bit of an industry related pun/joke. In Tree Biology we learnt many tree defects one of which was called bottle butt because the shape it takes on is similar to that of a coca-cola bottle at the base of the tree. Therefore, since my friend was going as a tree I went as her bottle butt by, as you can see, stringing bottles together and wearing them around my belt. I got some strange looks at the party but all the Arb students got the joke so it was all good. The pictures a bit fuzzy but it gets the point across.

Also as part of the party our club was in charge of the mystery meats table. Basically we got cow organs donated from the butcher department at the school and put them in boxes and people had to guess which part of the cow they were touching. Have you ever seen a whole cow liver??? It's absolutely huge, it makes sense but I didn't really think how big it would actually be. Anyway, there was some kidney's, a heart and a liver. I had a very hard time convincing people to touch the meat. Oh, there was also bobbing for turds. It was a pretty funny idea but again people were weary of trying that one. Basically you fill a bucket with water and yellow food coloring, put a toilet seat over the bucket and put Oh Henry bars in the water for people to bob for but the unwrapped chocolate bars sunk to the bottom rendering them useless so we had to put some wrapped bars in the water and eventually a weird film was created in the bucket. Doesn't that look yummy? exactly why not many people tried it.

Well there you have it my Halloween, only almost two months after the fact but done nonetheless. Expect my Christmas update in 6-8 weeks, LOL.
If I don't see you over the holidays or don't know you so won't be visiting you over the holidays MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!