Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ultimate Climbing Showdown!!!

The first annual Olds College Climbing Showdown happened today and it was a great day!!! The Arboriculture Club, of which I am the president of, raised over $1200 !!! for the Dave Herbert Memorial Fund. Dave Herbert was a former teacher at the college who recently passed away from cancer and he was respected and loved by many. I did not know him that well, only having had him for one class, but I was more than happy to organize this event in his honor.

If your wondering yes that is the sky in the picture. The competition consisted of participants racing up a rope 4o feet to ring a bell that was at the top of the building tied into the rafters. It was not an easy climb but it is competition height for the womens tree climbing competition which I hope to be in this year. I raced against a fellow student and managed to cut my time in half from when I first started climbing last year. Other students also faced off against each other but the main event was Spiderman!! One of our club members dressed in a Spiderman costume to face off against one of our teachers who is one of the fastest climbers in Alberta. (I would post a picture but I don't have his permission to so I'm not going to.)

It was a huge success, with a big turnout and I feel honored/proud to have been a part of raising the money and getting people excited about arboriculture, plus it was just plain fun.


At 10:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations on honouring a well-loved person's memory, increasing arboriculture awareness and raising some money too while you're at it!

Out of curiosity, what were your before and after times? Did your rock climbing experience help at all?

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Charlene said...

Thanks Ange! My before time was approximately 2 minutes for 25 feet. My new time was 1 minute 28 seconds for 40 feet. I still have room for improvement. With a little practice and training I hope I can improve on this time as well. Rock climbing definitely helps because you use similar muscle groups.

At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Charlene that is awesome you are doing an amazing job and your friends and family are very proud of you. Keep it up and if you ever need a partner to climb with just let me know. (Even thought I can not compare with you I love the challenge)


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