Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Randomly Breaking into Song

My mission, bequeathed to me by none other than Shaggy, is to randomly break into song whenever a song pops into my head. I think it is a mission worthy of my time and effort. The ultimate goal is to get other people to start doing the same and joining in. For those skeptics out there, it's a lot of fun. If you think you suck at singing your probably right but that doesn't matter. That's the beauty of it. I know I can't sing and that makes it that much more fun. You know those "American Idol" bloopers you see on T.V. That would definitely be me. Simon would look at me and say in his snotty British accent, "You may be the worst singer I've ever heard". But hey if William Hung (no idea how to spell his name) can make it big, I think we should all be allowed to humiliate ourselves in front of our peers and have a good time doing it. Plus if everyone else around you does it too you'll no longer be the freak, you'll be the cool one for having started the craze. If the craze does catch on though I can't take the credit. That title would definitely go to Shaggy because she's the one who converted me in the first place and I'm glad she did. She may have to rock, paper, scissors me for it though and she is freakishly good at that.

Anyway, I chalk today up as a successful day for my mission. Twice today I randomly started singing while others were in attendance, including a very riveting rendition of "It's not unusual to be loved by anyone, ...." I even got one guy to join in snapping his fingers. You know the move, come on you know you want to, "... it's not unusual to have fun with anyone". Can't you just picture Tom Jones rocking out. I must admit I'm still not at the stage where I start dancing in the street, or in the halls. And when I say dancing I mean flailing because I'm that good, "oh yeah". But I definitely break out in song and I think it should be a continent wide goal to try and get others to join in.

For those of you who do not feel the urge to sing and dance randomly I guess myself, Shaggy and Gasmaster have our work cut out for us (because if your reading this Gasmaster I expect you to be taking on this mission as well on the island, you may have a larger geographical area than me but I think your up to the task).

So my advice for today is sing out loud whenever you feel the urge, and not just when your in the shower or driving by yourself in your car, you can sing there too if you want but I'm talking about when there are other people around to witness it. And if you can work some dancing in during the day that's even better.


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