Thursday, September 14, 2006

I'm not asking for much, just a little heads up

You would think that if your landlord was having someone come to work on the plumbing system in the whole building resulting in the water having to be shut off, a tenant could at least get a warning. But no, my 'warning' was trying to turn on the taps or flush the toilet and nothing. I can't have a shower, wash the dishes or even have a glass of water. Plus my apartment is hot water heated so I have no heat. Seeing as it's a basement suite and it's trying to be winter outside with this cold wet weather I'm a little chilled. And now to top it all off it is 11 o'clock at night and the pipes are squealing bloody murder because the new boiler is 'purging' itself. It's a very unpleasant noise, it sounds like a pig is dying over and over again and just won't give in and accept it's fate. Unrelated to the plumbing situation my windows are leaking inundating me with the oh so pleasant dripping sound that we all know and love. But I guess on the positive side the loud squealing is drowning that out temporarily. Most days I like my apartment, today is not one of those days.


At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to hate landlords I hated mine. I can't believe they did not tell you that they were turning the water off. The bugs look good even though that is pretty creepy. Good luck sis.

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, you should definately tell him that you deserved a warning and ask him if he realized that you now have no heat. Also, you should ask for some kindof discount on your rent this month for the inconvienence and the fact that you don't have HEAT!!! and it is BLOODY COLD outside!


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