Ever attended a gopher wedding?

If you've never attended a gopher's wedding never fear there is still hope for you yet. All you have to do is drive out to Torrington, AB. Torrington is East of Olds by about 27 kms and I have to warn you that the big attraction of the town is the Gopher Hole museum so I wouldn't plan to spend much time in town, maybe a half an hour. Basically, for those of you who don't know, the museum houses taxidermed gophers dressed up in various outfits. The theme's range from a cave 'man' gopher scene, to hockey, to a gopher wedding. I'll admit it's a little disturbing to observe dead gophers dressed in costumes but for two dollars and half an hour of your time you can boast to your friends that you've visited the only stuffed gopher museum in the world (as far as I know it's the only one, good old Alberta). So after your done perusing the country side looking for giant sausages and UFO's be sure to stop in Torrington. You can even drive around town and check out all the painted fire hydrants that are also suppose to be gophers but to me looked more like dogs in overalls. Don't worry they have them all mapped out for your convenience because the town is much too big to drive around aimlessly yourself. But not to be too hard on the town, it is an attraction and it does get people to visit. Look at me, I went and now I have told numerous others who may venture to the town themselves. Note they are only open June 1 - Sept 30th so if you want to go this year you'll have to hurry and don't hesitate to stop by to visit me in Olds (for those of you I know of course, this is not an invite to have strangers come to my home).
I'm impressed that you actually went to that place! I've wanted to go since I heard about it.
Have you been to the UFO museum in St. Paul? If not, you really should someday. It's hilarious how serious it is.
Also, if you actually see a UFO, notify that museum, because they'll want to hear about it. They'll record it in their black binder of UFO sightings and it will go down in history in a small museum in an obscure corner of our province. If you manage to photograph the UFO, you might even make it into one of the academic journals on the subject!
are you sure you wouldn't want a couple of random guests to show up at our place? Could be fun...
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