Thursday, March 23, 2006

Don't Honk At Me!!!!

Everyone has their own personal pet peeves about other drivers. I don't claim to be the best driver myself, so I'm sure some people are annoyed by my driving too. But my biggest pet peeve, hands down, is people honking at me when I am waiting to make a left hand turn. They can sit behind me in their fancy car, that has the power to streak into traffic and make that turn, and honk at me all they want but I'm here to tell you I'm not moving till I'm ready. I don't have a new fancy powerful car, not even close. I have an old clunker like the majority of us middle class citizens. And anyone who owns their own car will tell you that you start to learn your vehicles limitations. If I don't think I can make it, I wait and that's just too bad for all those people who have to wait for me. If you want to cause an accident and piss me off, honk your horn. But that's just going to make me mad and make me sit there longer just despite you.

I realize that probably the target audience I want to yell at and change their ways are more than likely not reading this, so my message may be lost. But it enrages me enough to rant about it.

So to all you people who get impatient because I refuse to risk my life by cutting in front of a vehicle I know I can't beat, I say "Don't honk at me!!!" along with several other choice words and hand gestures that just don't come across as well in text.


At 3:23 PM, Blogger Gasmaster said...

Amen to that , sister! I would also like to extend that to all the arseholes who honk at me on my bike. Really, it just pisses me off and makes me go slower, further pissing you off.

At 6:32 AM, Blogger Jana said...

Honking annoys me too...I completely agree...but now I feel the urge to honk at you if ever we are in different vechicle going to the same place....that doesn't seem very likely....this is just me rambling....ah...mojos....

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Charlene said...

Mmmm Mojo's. Mojo's are definetly cool bananas. Especially the banana flavor, ha. What a knee slapper.


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