What If Everyone Was A Bobble Head?
Those of you who know me well have already heard me talk on this subject but each time I meet someone with the right personality the topic comes up again. Everyone can think of a person they know that would just make a hilarious bobble head. It's really quite a good trick, whenever you need a good laugh picture the person your talking to or whomever as a bobble head. Or if you need to make someone else laugh that works too.
For example, there is a particular person from my previous place of employment (and I won't mention any names but some of you might know who he is, Chantal I know you know who I'm talking about) that I could just picture as a bobble head holding a cup of coffee in one hand a doughnut in the other chatting away, bobbling along.
It's one of those things that came to me at work one day whilst weeding when I had lots of time to think about things. It was kinda like the time I felt the need to announce to everyone that I chew my mashed potatoes. But that's a whole other story. I know what your thinking, "She's crazy". And you know what that's probably true but I sure have had some good times as a result of my craziness. So the next time you have a strange random thought in your head, blurt it out. Some people may find you weird but like some guy I met once said,
"If your not weird, your not human."
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