Thursday, March 30, 2006

You Know You Live In A Small Alberta Hick Town When ...

1. Instead of the traffic report on the radio you hear the cattle auction report.
2. There are more old folk's homes than grocery stores.
3. There's only one radio station and you guessed it ... it's country.
4. You get honked at by a guy in a pickup truck holding a rubber honking Canada Goose out the window.
5. You can buy John Deere baseball hats at the drug store.
6. The only stores open 7 days a week are the liquor stores.
7. The pickup truck to car ratio is 30:1.
8. The best bar in town is called "The Blue Yak" (and the building is painted a bright blue so you can't miss it)
9. The biggest concern about walking around town by yourself is little old men in big beastly cars almost running you over in the crosswalk.
10. Wendy's is closed at 8:00 !!!! (you knew that one was coming)


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